
Record Breaking Wake Surfers

Record Breaking Wake Surfers

Wake surfing is an excellent way to enjoy the fast-moving thrill of the water and test your balance and stamina—but for some especially ardent wake surfers, it’s more than just a pastime. It’s a way to prove their worth on the water, the ultimate test of strength and endurance… and, of course, a chance to set some records!

Below, we’re highlighting a handful of wake surfers who have tested the limits and pushed on for worldwide acclaim.

Gary Saavedra

Gary Saavedra’s home country of Panama already knew him as a world-class surfer—but in 2011, he cemented that reputation on an international scale by surfing the same wave for nearly four hours and more than 40 miles. That record-breaking wave was created by a boat that Saavedra surfed behind diligently, nearly falling on several instances but catching himself and his balance every time.

Ashleigh Shaddix

Two Florida surfers—Ashleigh Shaddix and Samantha Morton—tried the same record attempt, setting out to see how far they could go. In 2013, they had their answer, as Ashleigh surfed the same wave for two hours and 22 minutes on Florida’s Lake Weir. She entered the record books as the female with the longest-surfed wave—and while her stepsister Samantha’s record attempt was thwarted by fuel problems, she’s not ready to give up on her own glory quite yet.

Hunter Sims

If you’re a wake surfer, you probably know about the shove-it—a unique move that involves flipping the board above the water’s surface. It’s tricky to accomplish just one, but teenage wake surfer Hunter Sims did 106 in a row, earning acclaim and setting a tough-to-beat record in the process. The best part, of course, was why he did it—donors who watched Sims’ record attempt helped to support an orphanage in Tanzania, Africa, after seeing his skills on the water.

These wake surfers are no doubt impressive—but you set your own personal records every time you hit the water! Share your own best times and surfing success stories with us below.

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